Průvodce cestováním Puerto Galera s rozvrhem rozpočtu

potřebujete pomoc s plánováním vaší cesty do Puerto Galera? Zde je náš cestovní průvodce pro DIY Puerto Galera s návrhy, jak se tam dostat z Manily nebo Batangas Port, Plány trajektů a doporučení hotelů a výletů. Přidali jsme také ukázkový plán Puerto Galera, který můžete použít!

Pokud by někdo kondenzoval můj růst jako pronásledovatel pláže do života motýla, Puerto Galera by byl někde v Caterpillar Stage. Když jsem ještě nebyl schopen létat, když mi Boracay, Palawan a Maledivy naplnily mé lety, měl jsem oči na místech, která byla trochu mnohem realističtější. Nejprve jsem chtěl jen narazit na pláž, nedalekou pláž, na každou pláž. Pak jsem chtěl jít dále, jezdit na lodi a vydat se na ostrov. Vždycky jsem měl na mysli cíl – Puerto Galera.

Co je uvedeno v této příručce?

Porozumění Puerto Galera
Kde zůstat v Puerto Galeratop Puerto Galera Resorts
Hledejte mnohem více hotelů!

Jak se dostat do Puerto Galeramanila do plánu autobusu Batangas
Batangas Pier to Puerto Galera Schedule

Jak se obejít kolem Puerto Galeraby Tricycle

Věci, které můžete dělat v Portorovi Galeraislandu Hopping Tour
Land Tour
Potápěčské kurzy
Bílá pláž a noční život
Vodní sporty

Ukázka itineráře Puerto Galera
Další návrhy na YouTube ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇

Porozumění Puerto Galera

Ještě před koloniální érou byla Puerto Galera vždy rušnou oblastí přístavu, protože je to dobrý přírodní úkryt pro lodě a lodě. V roce 1570 dorazili Španělé do Batangasu a později překročili průchod ostrova Verde k této pobřežní osadě. Pojmenovali to Puerto Galera nebo Port of Galleons.

Foto: Pycan Leynes
Dnes je Puerto Galera prvotřídní obcí v Oriental Mindoro, asi 130 km jižně od Manily. Přestože zabírá nejsevernější návrh jiného ostrova (ostrova Mindoro), lze jej snadno dosáhnout z Luzonu. Tato dostupnost z hlavního města a Calabarzonu, mnoha zalidního regionu v zemi, z ní učinila po desetiletí jedním z nejpopulárnějších plážových destinací.

Puerto Galera čelí průchodu ostrova Verde, která je popsána studií Smithsonian Institute z roku 2007 jako „centra centra“ světové mořské biologické rozmanitosti s cifricí s vysokou koncentrací mořských druhů. V roce 1973 byla prohlášena za rezervu UNESCO MAN A BIOSPHERE.

Zde jsou mnohem užitečnější kousky o Puerto Galera.

Umístění: Oriental Mindoro, Filipíny.

Jazyky: Iraya a Tagalog. Mnoho obyvatel, zejména pracovníků cestovního ruchu, však může komunikovat také v angličtině.

Měna: Philippine Peso (PHP, ₱). PHP100 se pohybuje kolem 1,90 USD, 1,69 EUR, SGD 2,57 (od května 2019).

Způsoby platby: hotovost, především. Některá zařízení přijímají karty kreditních zpráv, ale přinášejí hotovost k bezpečnému.

Kde zůstat v Puerto Galera

Zbouskací pobřeží Puerto Galera je lemováno více než tuctem zátok naplněných veletrhem. Ze všech těchto pláží jsou tyto tři nejoptimálnější místa pro turisty:

Bílá pláž. Mnoho populární pláže Puerto Galera. Toto je odpověď Garery na Boracayovu bílou pláž. (A jo, nesou stejné jméno.) Zde se děje mnoho činností cestovního ruchu. Zde najdete širokou škálu možností ubytování a stravování. Noční život je také tady.

Aninuanská pláž. Nachází se hned vedle bílé pláže, ale je to mnohem zkrocenější a ticho. To je dobré místo k pobytu, pokud jste po mnohem více odvíjejícím pobytu, ale chcete snadný přístup na bílou pláž.

Sabang Beach. Trochu se oddělil od prvních dvou zátok, ale také má spoustu ubytování. Toto je úžasná základna pro potápěče kvůli počtu potápěčských středisek.

Top Puerto Galera Resorts

Zde jsou nejlépe hodnocená střediska v Puerto Galera, jak skórovali recenzenti Agoda.

Obrázek se svolením Agody

Edgewater Dive & Medspa Resort. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!

Bamboo House Beach Lodge & Restaurant. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!

Ara Beach Resort. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!

Utopia Resort & Spa. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!

Jalyns Resort Apartments & Restaurant. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!

Veronica Inn. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!

Západ slunce v Aninuan Beach Resort. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!

Kroky Garden Resort. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!

Tribal Hills Mountain Resort. Zkontrolujte sazby a dostupnost!

Hledejte mnohem více hotelů!

Jak se dostat do Puerto Galera

Nejdostupnějším a mnoho typickým způsobem, jak dosáhnout Puerto Galera z Manily, je Batangas. Z Batangas Pier budete muset chytit trajekt na jeden ze dvou přístavů v Puerto Galera. Balatero Port is closer to White beach and Aninuan Beach, while Muelle Port is closer to Sabang.

Head to a JAM liner bus terminal. There’s one in Cubao and another in LRT Buendia area.

Catch a bus bound for Batangas Pier. Some buses pass through and make several stops in Sto. Tomas and Tanauan. If you want a quick journey, board a bus with the CALABARZON sign. This implies that the bus will be taking the star Tollway, which bypasses many towns and cities betweenSLEX and Batangas City. travel time is 2-3 hours. Fare is P197 if you’re coming from Buendia or P207 from Cubao. See bus schedule in the next section below.

Get off at Batangas Pier. You can also tell the conductor that you plan to go to Puerto Galera so he knows where to drop you off.

Upon arrival at Batangas Pier, head straight to the ticket counters. You may be approached by touts saying that there are no public ferries to Puerto Galera that day. DON’T believe THEM. They’re just trying to get you to charter an expensive private boat. walk straight to the ticketing counters.

Purchase tickets to Puerto Galera. You may choose a roro or a fastcraft. You can find the schedule as of April 2019 here. Fare: P300.

Pay the Batangas Pier terminal fee. P30 per person.

Board your booked ferry. travel time: 55-100 minutes, depending on the type of vessel.

At Balatero or Muelle Port, pay the environmental fee. P50 per person. Balatero Pier also collects an additional P20 terminal fee.

Ride a tricycle to your resort. If your resort is within short distance, fare is P200 per trip or P50 per person (if you’re a group).


Here’s the schedule of Jam liner buses as of may 2019.

Batangas Pier to Puerto Galera Schedule

You can board a roro, a semi-fastcraft, or a fastcraft to Muelle Port or Balatero Port.

There used to be outrigger boats that carry passengers straight to White beach or Sabang Beach. but during our last trip to Puerto Galera, we didn’t see any outrigger boats to Puerto Galera. The Maritime industry Authority (MARINA) had plans of phasing out wooden-hulled boats last year, but I’m not sure if they have implemented this already.

For the schedule of authorized ferries, you may refer to this: BATANGAS-PUERTO GALERA TIMETABLE.


By Tricycle

The jeepney is the most affordable mode of transportation in Puerto Galera. However, as in any other place in the country, jeepneys follow a fixed route and tentative schedules. If you want better control of your time, the tricycle is better.

For short distances, many tricycle chauffeurs charge P150-200 per ride (good for 3 pax). If you’re a group, that’s fine, but it’s a pain on the pockets if you’re traveling solo. A pal said that this is the traveler rate and that it is much lower for locals. I don’t know what the local rate is. However, for budgeting purposes, you can assume that it’s P200 per trip so you won’t go under.

You can also charter a tricycle to take you on a trip and see inland attractions like Tamaraw Falls, Virgin Beach, Mangyan Village, Infinity farm and others for P800 (good for 3 pax).


If you have a driver’s license and you know how to drive a motorcycle, you can rent one and explore the town freely on your own. rates vary depending on the type of motorcycle and the shop, but the conventional rate is P400 per day.

If you choose to travel on two wheels, take extra care. always wear a helmet even if numerous of the locals you see don’t.


To get to some islands and other coves, chartering a boat is the way to go. here are the boat rates for trips from Muelle Port as of may 2019. A boat can typically accommodate up to 6 pax.


Sandbar: P200 one-way, P400 round trip

Buri Beach: P200 one-way, P400 round trip

San Antonio: P230 one-way, P460 round trip

Fridays: P250 one-way, P500 round trip

Coco Beach: P250 one-way, P500 round trip

Big La Laguna: P300 one-way, P600 round trip

Small La Laguna: P350 one-way, P700 round trip

Coral Garden: P400 one-way, P800 round trip

Sabang Beach: P400 one-way, P800 round trip

Long Beach: P500 one-way, P1000 round trip

Haligi Beach: P500 one-way, P1000 round trip

Bayanan Beach: P500 one-way, P1000 round trip

Tamaraw Beach: P700 one-way, P1400 round trip

White Beach: P1000 one-way, P2000 round trip

Talipanan Beach: P1200 one-way, P2400 round trip

You can also ask the boatman to trip you around. You may choose three destinations and they will show you around for around P2000.

Night rates are double the prices noted above.


Island Hopping Tour

Most island hopping trips will take you to the following attractions:

Haligi Beach

Bayanan Beach

Sandbar (sometimes replaced by Maniknik Beach)

Coral garden (snorkeling site)

You can also replace a site with another. check out the list of beaches in the previous section above (HOW TO get AROUND: BY BOAT) and pick 3 from that list.

The boat trip costs P1800-P2000 per boat, good for 6-8 passengers. An additional P200 fee is collected per person for the smaller paddle boat that will take you to the snorkeling site.

If you want to make the most of your trip, you may check out the following sites:

San Antonio Island’s underwater cave

Giant clams site

Coral garden

Prepare to pay an extra P600 per person to see all three additional attractions.

Land Tour

Another way to explore Puerto Galera is by joining a tricycle tour, which will take you to some natural attractions that are easily available by land. A tricycle trip typically makes a stop at the following:

Tamaraw Falls

Virgin Beach

Mangyan Village

You will also be stopping at some lookout spots along the way.

The trip costs P800 per tricycle, maximum of 3 passengers. The price excludes entrance fees and other fees per site including the following:

Tamaraw Falls swimming area fee: P30 per person

Umbrella kiosk rental fee: P140

Barbeque grill rental fee: P50

Table rental fee: P30

Tamaraw Falls table rental and cooking fee: P150 per table

Virgin beach entrance fee: P30 per person

If tricycle is not your preferred mode of transportation, you may also charter a multi-cab or jeepney for P2000+ per vehicle. This will allow you to see other attractions including:

Lantuyan Water Curtain

Infinity Farm

Turukan Falls

Hanging Bridge

Additional fees may apply.

Potápěčské kurzy

Puerto Galera’s coast is lapped by the waves of the Verde Island Passage, which is described by a 2007 Smithsonian Institute study as the “center of the center” of the world’s marine biodiversity citing the high concentration of marine species.

Home to over 40 recognized dive sites, it is one of the top diving destinations in the country. If you haven’t tried scuba diving before, Puerto Galera is also an optimal place to discover your love for the deep. There’s a lot of dive shops and resorts here and rates vary. but fun Dives start at P1500 per dive. You can also find PADI introductory courses for around P3500 (1-2 hours, 1 dive).

Bílá pláž a noční život

Foto: Pycan Leynes
White beach is Puerto Galera’s answer to Boracay. It is the most popular stretch of sand in the area and the most commercialized. You’ll find plenty of activities to delight in here even at night. On weekends and holidays, there’s no running short of bars, booze, live bands, and fire dancers.

Vodní sporty

If you want an adrenaline rush, try some of these water rides. best delighted in as part of a group. here are the rates:

Unicorn: P2,500, good for 10 pax

King Cobra: P2,500, good for 10 pax

Flying Saucer: P2,000, good for 6 pax

Fly Fish: P1,500, goof for 3 pax

Jetski: P2,000 per 15 minutes

Ukázka itineráře Puerto Galera

Below is a sample overnight Puerto Galera schedule with breakdown of expenses. This schedule assumes you’re a group of 3, splitting some expenses and staying at a resort in White beach or Aninuan Beach. feel totally free to make required adjustments to match your schedule, needs, or preferences.

05:00 am – Bus to Batangas Pier, P197
07:30 am – Arrival at Batangas Pier
07:45 am – purchase ticket, P300
08:00 am – Pay terminal fee, P30
08:30 am – Board ferry to Puerto Galera
10:00 am – Arrival, Pay environmental fee, P50
10:15 am – Tricycle to resort, P50
10:30 am – check in or drop bags
11:00 am – Lunch, P100
12:00 pm – Island hopping, P600 (P1800/3pax) + P600
05:30 pm – Back to resort, freshen up
06:30 pm – Tricycle to White Beach, P50
07:00 pm – Dinner, P200
08:00 pm – White beach nightlife
10:00 pm – Back to resort, P50

06:00 am – Land Tour, P267 (P800/3pax)
06:30 am – drop by public market, purchase food, P200
07:00 am – continue land tour, entrance fees: P60
10:30 am – Brunch at Tamaraw Falls, Grill: P50, Table: P30
12:00 pm – check out
12:30 pm – Tricycle to Port, P50
12:40 pm – purchase ticket to Batangas, P300
12:50 pm – Pay terminal fee, P20; exit fee: P10
01:30 pm – Board ferry
03:00 pm – Arrival at Batangas pier
03:30 pm – Board bus to Manila, P197

If you spend P600 per night per person on accommodation, this schedule will cost you around P4200 (USD 80, EUR 71, SGD 110) per person, with a small allowance for incidental expenses but excluding suggestions and shopping budget.

There are numerous ways to bring the cost down. If you’re part of a bigger group, you can drastically decrease the trip expenses. This schedule assumes you’re a group of 3 but a common boat can accommodate

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