WHERE TO purchase JR PASS: how Much? Stojí to za to?

What is a JR Pass?

The Japan rain Pass, much more typically known as JR Pass, is a ticket that allows the holder limitless use of the JR long-distance train system across Japan. If you have it, you won’t need to pay for individual ticket per journey, which can imply big SAVINGS, supposedly. It is provided to foreign tourists only and is not available for Japan residents.

There are two types of JR Passes: common and green automobile (first class). and they are available in different validity durations: 7 days, 14 days, and 21 days. these days are consecutive and NOT flexible!

Co je uvedeno v této příručce?

Where to purchase JR Pass in the Philippines?
How much is a JR Pass?
Is the JR Pass worth it?
When is it wise to use a JR Pass?
When is a JR Pass NOT recommended?
Other frequently Asked Questions1. Is the JR Pass accepted on all trains in Japan?
2. I’m going to A, B and C. Is the JR Pass worth it?
3. I’m going to A, B and C. What is the best pass for me?

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Where to purchase JR Pass in the Philippines?

Klook provides the most affordable JR Passes available. If you live in the Philippines, the pass will be delivered to you in 7 days.

✅ check JR PASS rates Here!

✅ Reserve JR PASS Here!

How much is a JR Pass?

As of July 2019, the rates are:

Green Car

7 dní
29,110 yen
38,880 yen

14 days
46,390 yen
62,950 yen

21 days
59,350 yen
81,870 yen

Children aged 6-11 delight in 50% discount.

Pretty steep, huh? but once you see the typical train fares and seat fees, taking a look at these numbers will feel better.

Did I just say “seat fees”? Yes, I did. many long-distance trains in Japan charge for seats separately, in some cases even the unreserved ones. but if you have a JR Pass, you can make seat reservations for free!

Is the JR Pass worth it?

I hate answering yes-no questions with “It depends,” but… it depends.

Depends on what, you ask? On your itinerary: how long you will be traveling in Japan and what your stops will be. You see, the Japan Rail Pass is a complicated thing and there are cases when it will give you substantial savings. and there are also times when it isn’t necessary. let me discuss better below.

When is it wise to use a JR Pass?

If you’re on a multi-city journey across Japan over 7 days or longer and the train is your preferred mode of transportation.

For example, if you plan on going to Osaka, Tokyo and Sapporo, all in 10 days. So this implies you’re flying to Osaka on Day 1, taking the train to Tokyo on Day 4 (which is Day 1 of your JR Pass use), taking another train to Sapporo on Day 7 (JR Pass Day 4), and exiting Japan on Day 10 (JR Pass Day 7).

If you do this journey by train without a JR Pass, you’ll be spending this much.

Osaka to Tokyo:
Seat: ¥5700 ($51, P2550)

Tokyo to Sapporo:
Seat (Tokyo-Hakodate): ¥11,130 ($100, P5000)
Seat (Hakodate-Sapporo): ¥1550 ($14, P700)

Total Fare Only: ¥18,140

Total Train Expenses: ¥36,520 ($326, P16,400).

Now, compare that to the cost of a regular 7-day JR Pass which is at ¥29,110 ($255, P13,000). You’ll be saving ¥7410. Doesn’t look much, but if you’re planning to go on day trips to other cities from your main stops — say, going to Kamakura or Yokohama from Tokyo, or Himeji from Kyoto, or Kyoto from Osaka — these savings will rack up.

If you have an even much more busy itinerary, the JR Pass will show useful. For example, if you’re planning on going to 5 cities and staying just 1-2 days each. It’s not something I recommend, but I have met some travelers who roll this way.

It’s also a good choice for those who choose traveling by train (like me!). even when it takes much more time than flying, I would typically choose to take the train because it’s pretty straightforward: no baggage check-in, no need to show up 1-2 hours before, and train stations are typically located centrally, unlike airports.

But it is essential that you’re also aware that the train isn’t your only option. much more about that below.

Klook provides the most affordable JR Passes available. check updated rates or book here: check JR PASS rates Here!. ✅

When is a JR Pass NOT recommended?

When you’re staying in just one or two cities. one of the most common questions we get about Japan travel is “Should I purchase a JR Pass?” but what’s unexpected to me is that it is typically asked by people who are planning to stay in just one city.

JR Pass is optimal for those traveling long distances. If you’re staying in Tokyo and will be exploring Tokyo alone, you won’t need a JR Pass. If you’re traveling within just one region, a regional pass makes much more sense, like the KANSAI THRU PASS for the Kansai region.

Even if you’re going on a one-leg long-distance journey, a JR Pass might still not be the best fit. For example, if the only long-distance trip you’re making is Osaka-Tokyo, the Shinkansen is probably the most expensiveMožnost tam (¥ 14 450). Lety z letiště Kansai najdete pouze na 4870 (45 $, P2150) a denní autobusy z Osaka do Tokia za přibližně 4300 a noční autobusy za 6480.

Willer Bus. Tokio-Osaka. Denní autobus.
Willer Bus. Tokio-Osaka. Přes noc autobus.
Další nezbytná věc, kterou je třeba zvážit: JR Pass lze použít pouze pro JR linky, a ačkoli se jedná o rozsáhlý vlakový systém, nepokrývá to celé Japonsko. Existuje mnoho částí Japonska, které jsou stále nejlépe dosaženy dalšími způsoby dopravy.


Zakoupení průsmyku JR má smysl, pokud jdete do více měst za nejmenší 7 dní. V opačném případě možná budete chtít zvážit další způsoby dopravy.

Další často kladené otázky

1. Je průsmyk JR přijímán ve všech vlacích v Japonsku?

Ne. Můžete jej použít pouze ve vlacích JR a Shinkansen s výjimkou Nozomi a Mizuho.

Pass JR není přijímán soukromými vlaky a vlaky Nozomi / Mizuho.


Chcete -li zkontrolovat, zda JR Pass stojí za vaše peníze, můžete zde použít tuto kalkulačku Japonsko Rail Pass zde.

Stačí zadat své zastávky a řekne vám, zda JR Pass stojí za to.

3. Jdu na A, B a C. Jaký je pro mě nejlepší průsmyk?

Nakonec záleží na konkrétních atrakcích, které navštívíte.

Vytvořili jsme seznam nejlepších průchodů pro různé kombinace destinací za předpokladu, že uděláte mnoho cest vlaku denně. Podívejte se na to zde: Nejlepší vlak a autobusové průchody podle cíle!

Pokud váš rozvrh není na tento příspěvek pokryt, můžete na něj zjistit sami pomocí Hyperdia. Jednoduše zadejte své zastávky jeden po druhém a vezměte na vědomí jízdné.

Jakmile máte všechny tarify, přidejte je všechny. Pokud jsou celkové náklady vyšší než cena průsmyku, pak průsmyk pravděpodobně stojí za to.

Při hledání si uvědomte rozlišení mezi JR a soukromými železnicemi. Vyhledávání můžete doladit pomocí pokročilých nastavení.

Chcete -li vědět mnohem více o hyperdii, přečtěte si: Jak používat Hyperdia!

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